So, I may have done something a little bit crazy. Last night after I finished blogging, I was checking out some things people had posted on social media, and one of them happened to be a post about joining someone in writing 14 songs in February via FAWM.ORG. Next thing I knew, I had actually gone ahead and signed up to give it a shot. After 2 AM, it seems my inhibitions are lowered, and I can convince myself I can do anything.
I've talked about FAWM (February Album Writing Month) and the equally cool RPM Challenge in this space before, mostly in terms of the "one of these years I'm going to try that" school of thought. A couple of years ago, I even bastardized together some bits from both websites, and tried it on my own (without signing up for either one, of course). That got me twelve, really rough demos, which I hadn't done anything with since. Side Note: Creating an EP out of some of those songs is on my list of things to do for this year, and that process had been started somewhat.
I regretted signing up so impulsively as soon as I woke up this morning, but I'm sticking with it, and the reason why didn't dawn on me until tonight... I've got three recording projects I want to get done this year. The aforementioned EP, a double album (because I've always wanted to at least try writing one), and the power pop record that I've been dreaming of writing for almost as many years as the double album. I've got 10 kernels of songs for the power pop record, but nothing other than that. Finding an extra four ideas doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility. That's one idea a week for all of February. So here's what I'm going to do...
Without putting a whole lot of pressure on myself, I'm going to try and rough out the power pop record in the month of February. I'm going to try very hard not to let it take over everything I do musically for the whole month, as there are other things I've started that I'd really like to not drop for a month, but yeah. This way, I'll make at least some headway on one of the projects during the next month for sure.
I've talked about FAWM (February Album Writing Month) and the equally cool RPM Challenge in this space before, mostly in terms of the "one of these years I'm going to try that" school of thought. A couple of years ago, I even bastardized together some bits from both websites, and tried it on my own (without signing up for either one, of course). That got me twelve, really rough demos, which I hadn't done anything with since. Side Note: Creating an EP out of some of those songs is on my list of things to do for this year, and that process had been started somewhat.
I regretted signing up so impulsively as soon as I woke up this morning, but I'm sticking with it, and the reason why didn't dawn on me until tonight... I've got three recording projects I want to get done this year. The aforementioned EP, a double album (because I've always wanted to at least try writing one), and the power pop record that I've been dreaming of writing for almost as many years as the double album. I've got 10 kernels of songs for the power pop record, but nothing other than that. Finding an extra four ideas doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility. That's one idea a week for all of February. So here's what I'm going to do...
Without putting a whole lot of pressure on myself, I'm going to try and rough out the power pop record in the month of February. I'm going to try very hard not to let it take over everything I do musically for the whole month, as there are other things I've started that I'd really like to not drop for a month, but yeah. This way, I'll make at least some headway on one of the projects during the next month for sure.
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