Today was a little bit like yesterday, except that I ended up feeling a lot better about the way that today went than I did about yesterday.
I had a little bit more time today, that was part of it, anyway. Was that time spent in a similar way to yesterday? It was. The best part about that, though, is the fact that the time I'm putting in the last few days seems to be working pretty well. The progress may be a bit slow, but the progress is there, which is more than I can say for the end of last year.
No real progress in the Jerry Lee Lewis bio today, nor did I get to the listening I had hoped to.
Tomorrow, I need to spend just a bit more time in the studio than I did today, hit things just a little bit harder than I was able to over the weekend, and see if the whole thing keeps splitting open like it has been. I'd also like to get the music out of the car, and get myself restarted on that front.
I had a little bit more time today, that was part of it, anyway. Was that time spent in a similar way to yesterday? It was. The best part about that, though, is the fact that the time I'm putting in the last few days seems to be working pretty well. The progress may be a bit slow, but the progress is there, which is more than I can say for the end of last year.
No real progress in the Jerry Lee Lewis bio today, nor did I get to the listening I had hoped to.
Tomorrow, I need to spend just a bit more time in the studio than I did today, hit things just a little bit harder than I was able to over the weekend, and see if the whole thing keeps splitting open like it has been. I'd also like to get the music out of the car, and get myself restarted on that front.
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