So, I had intended to get some work done on the power pop project today, but instead I got caught up working on a few other things. By the very end of the day, I just didn't have the energy to devote to the power pop record, and so I made the decision to put that off until the weekend.
I kept going with some of the blues stuff today. I used the Blues Goldmine book, a book from Hal Leonard, and a Dummies book, cherry picking things from each one as I went along. I need to be a bit more focused heading into the weekend, to not jump around quite as much as I did today. All things considered, though, today went pretty decently.
I also wanted to make sure that the Beatles unit was in pretty good shape. Here's 90% of that, all squared away, and all in one place.
There are a couple of other magazines that will play a role, but they are collected in different areas. They'll be there as I need them, though.
I kept going with some of the blues stuff today. I used the Blues Goldmine book, a book from Hal Leonard, and a Dummies book, cherry picking things from each one as I went along. I need to be a bit more focused heading into the weekend, to not jump around quite as much as I did today. All things considered, though, today went pretty decently.
I also wanted to make sure that the Beatles unit was in pretty good shape. Here's 90% of that, all squared away, and all in one place.
There are a couple of other magazines that will play a role, but they are collected in different areas. They'll be there as I need them, though.
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