So, I didn't get a picture taken tonight, but I've got a shelf set up with all of my songwriting resources, in much the same way that the Beatles shelf from last night's post was. I'll have to get down there and get a shot of it to post in tomorrow's blog. The acoustic stuff is going to be a bit harder to photograph, as that's spread out a bit more evenly in the studio, but I can get some highlights.
As I approach the start of blog year 7, I feel more organized, more ready, and more on the cusp of some really great things than I ever have before. And yes, I'm aware that, if I were to look back over the last five years, something similar to that previous sentence would appear at about this same time in the year. All I can say in my defense is that it feels more true this year than it ever has before. Things are lining up right now, and they're good things.
We had family in town today, so there wasn't a whole lot of time to spend in the studio, but we had an absolute blast, and I wouldn't have traded time with them for anything. Also cool, the nieces (who are 2 and 4) got me a ukulele song book from Frozen (they love it, I haven't seen it), so I guess I'll be learning "Let It Go" at some point. I also ended up with a really cool book on the art of classic rock from my Brother-in-Law and his wife, so that's awesome.
All told, it was a pretty great day today.
As I approach the start of blog year 7, I feel more organized, more ready, and more on the cusp of some really great things than I ever have before. And yes, I'm aware that, if I were to look back over the last five years, something similar to that previous sentence would appear at about this same time in the year. All I can say in my defense is that it feels more true this year than it ever has before. Things are lining up right now, and they're good things.
We had family in town today, so there wasn't a whole lot of time to spend in the studio, but we had an absolute blast, and I wouldn't have traded time with them for anything. Also cool, the nieces (who are 2 and 4) got me a ukulele song book from Frozen (they love it, I haven't seen it), so I guess I'll be learning "Let It Go" at some point. I also ended up with a really cool book on the art of classic rock from my Brother-in-Law and his wife, so that's awesome.
All told, it was a pretty great day today.
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