Meeting after work tonight, made for a rather long day.
That said, I was fairly drained when I finally got home, so I decided to get back to a little bit of work that might not take a whole lot of energy this evening: I spent some time getting back to (and working on) my giant list of songs to learn. I'm up into "S," and somehow that feels a whole lot farther than I was when I left off working on that particular project, even though it's not really all that much farther. Having Wednesday off, I'm cautiously optimistic that I might be able to get that project finished as well.
I know I've still got tomorrow to go, but I'm really, really looking forward to Wednesday.
That said, I was fairly drained when I finally got home, so I decided to get back to a little bit of work that might not take a whole lot of energy this evening: I spent some time getting back to (and working on) my giant list of songs to learn. I'm up into "S," and somehow that feels a whole lot farther than I was when I left off working on that particular project, even though it's not really all that much farther. Having Wednesday off, I'm cautiously optimistic that I might be able to get that project finished as well.
I know I've still got tomorrow to go, but I'm really, really looking forward to Wednesday.
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