So, yes, the Grammys were tonight, and yes, I'm going to hold off on my post about them until tomorrow.
Tonight's post is all about how I redeemed my weekend by sitting with a guitar for most of the day, making song decisions, finding cool riffs, and reading.
I was determined, at the start of the day, to make something positive out of my weekend from a musical perspective, and I feel like I did. I had a guitar either in my lap, or within arms reach all day long today, and it was wonderful.
I ran scales and uncovered a cool bluesy riff while watching TV this morning, and I finalized the chord progression for the song I'm going to finish this month. The verse progression, while mostly set, has had me wondering whether it needed another chord change, and I'm delighted to say that it was perfect the way I wrote it initially. Now words and bass and drums are all it needs.
Sat and read for a bit tonight before dinner. Finally feeling like I'm making at least a small dent in the Grohl bio, and I'm really liking it besides. I haven't spent enough time with it lately. Hopefully this week can change that fact.
Hopefully this week will afford me a bit of time to sit and try writing some lyrics, too. We shall see.
Tonight's post is all about how I redeemed my weekend by sitting with a guitar for most of the day, making song decisions, finding cool riffs, and reading.
I was determined, at the start of the day, to make something positive out of my weekend from a musical perspective, and I feel like I did. I had a guitar either in my lap, or within arms reach all day long today, and it was wonderful.
I ran scales and uncovered a cool bluesy riff while watching TV this morning, and I finalized the chord progression for the song I'm going to finish this month. The verse progression, while mostly set, has had me wondering whether it needed another chord change, and I'm delighted to say that it was perfect the way I wrote it initially. Now words and bass and drums are all it needs.
Sat and read for a bit tonight before dinner. Finally feeling like I'm making at least a small dent in the Grohl bio, and I'm really liking it besides. I haven't spent enough time with it lately. Hopefully this week can change that fact.
Hopefully this week will afford me a bit of time to sit and try writing some lyrics, too. We shall see.
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