Today was a decent day. I got downstairs fairly early, and wound up bouncing around between a number of things throughout the course of the day. I did some reading, I did a small bit of listening, and I fit in a little bit of playing.
As for the writing side of things, I didn't really touch on that as much as I had hoped to today. I'm not entirely sure what the plan is for tomorrow, but I'm optimistic that there will be time for me to sneak down to the studio and try to work on some songs.
The day just had a laid back pace to it, and while it wasn't a bad day by any stretch, it was one of those that I find myself looking back on and wishing I had been just a bit more productive.
As for the writing side of things, I didn't really touch on that as much as I had hoped to today. I'm not entirely sure what the plan is for tomorrow, but I'm optimistic that there will be time for me to sneak down to the studio and try to work on some songs.
The day just had a laid back pace to it, and while it wasn't a bad day by any stretch, it was one of those that I find myself looking back on and wishing I had been just a bit more productive.
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