Today was at least a little bit like yesterday.
I got all the way through the new Green Day record once on the way to and from work today. I'm enjoying it so far, and I can definitely tell that the record has the feel of 21st Century Breakdown, at least to a certain extent.
Tonight, I've done a bit of theory studying, and then as the night has gotten later, I've been watching some lessons and interviews, trying to soak up information from the masters.
Like yesterday, it has been a somewhat quiet day, but having tomorrow morning off, I'm really hoping to get up early enough to get down into the studio and get a bit of work done.
I'm not necessarily struggling to get back into the groove of being home after vacation, but I'm struggling to really get things cranked up to a decent level the last couple of days.
I got all the way through the new Green Day record once on the way to and from work today. I'm enjoying it so far, and I can definitely tell that the record has the feel of 21st Century Breakdown, at least to a certain extent.
Tonight, I've done a bit of theory studying, and then as the night has gotten later, I've been watching some lessons and interviews, trying to soak up information from the masters.
Like yesterday, it has been a somewhat quiet day, but having tomorrow morning off, I'm really hoping to get up early enough to get down into the studio and get a bit of work done.
I'm not necessarily struggling to get back into the groove of being home after vacation, but I'm struggling to really get things cranked up to a decent level the last couple of days.
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