Today was a long day. I got a bit of listening in tonight as a way to wind down, and played a little bit of guitar, but other than that, I took things fairly easy (and was fairly exhausted).
So, so glad to have tomorrow off, because there's a lot of music stuff that I want to get to. That said, I've bit off more than I could chew the last few times I've had the day off, and wound up disappointed with myself (and my progress) at the end of the day. I'm bound and determined to not let that happen tomorrow. I've got my list whittled down to three main things that I want to work on tomorrow:
1) The record/lyrics
2) The Vai workout(s)
3) The GW columns I've been focused on of late
Anything that happens above and beyond that will be awesome, but will also be just icing on the cake, so to speak.
The other cool thing that happened tonight was that my brother's senior recital (oboe) was live-streamed through his college website, so in spite of not having the ability to get there in time to see it in person, I got to tune in and watch the whole thing from the comfort of my couch. It was pretty spectacular.
Bring on the middle of the week.
So, so glad to have tomorrow off, because there's a lot of music stuff that I want to get to. That said, I've bit off more than I could chew the last few times I've had the day off, and wound up disappointed with myself (and my progress) at the end of the day. I'm bound and determined to not let that happen tomorrow. I've got my list whittled down to three main things that I want to work on tomorrow:
1) The record/lyrics
2) The Vai workout(s)
3) The GW columns I've been focused on of late
Anything that happens above and beyond that will be awesome, but will also be just icing on the cake, so to speak.
The other cool thing that happened tonight was that my brother's senior recital (oboe) was live-streamed through his college website, so in spite of not having the ability to get there in time to see it in person, I got to tune in and watch the whole thing from the comfort of my couch. It was pretty spectacular.
Bring on the middle of the week.
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