Today was a quieter day than normal, which I wasn't expecting going into the day, but I'm learning to take what I can get the last few weeks.
I did a bit of studying with the GW columns I've been working with. Not as much as I had hoped, of course, but it worked. I'm really starting to see how all of these ideas are coming together to form a complete picture.
Other small things that I'm excited about this week: I ordered the next two Led Zeppelin re-releases that are due out next week.
And last, but certainly not least: when we got our "new" car from my mother in law, she neglected to tell us that it came with a CD player and a cassette player. So now we have two fairly large boxes of tapes to crank up in the car, which will be both awesome and slightly hilarious at the same time. I might post a picture of it all tomorrow. We shall see.
Admittedly, not a whole lot of serious progress today, but I'm hoping that the weekend will offer me a bigger chunk of time.
I did a bit of studying with the GW columns I've been working with. Not as much as I had hoped, of course, but it worked. I'm really starting to see how all of these ideas are coming together to form a complete picture.
Other small things that I'm excited about this week: I ordered the next two Led Zeppelin re-releases that are due out next week.
And last, but certainly not least: when we got our "new" car from my mother in law, she neglected to tell us that it came with a CD player and a cassette player. So now we have two fairly large boxes of tapes to crank up in the car, which will be both awesome and slightly hilarious at the same time. I might post a picture of it all tomorrow. We shall see.
Admittedly, not a whole lot of serious progress today, but I'm hoping that the weekend will offer me a bigger chunk of time.
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