So, tonight I sat down with the electric, determined to work my way through at least one of the 100 Riffs. What's funny is that, the riff I ended up working on was one of the ones I had myself convinced I knew already.
The intro riff to The Beatles' "Day Tripper" was one of the really early things I learned when I bought my Strat, way back in the day. I've seen a lot of other players approach the riff the same way I learned it initially, so it was interesting tonight to listen (and play along), and have it not sound quite right. Finding that, I did what any person in my situation would do, I grabbed my copy of this:
off of the shelf, and looked up the song. Sure enough, there's a slightly different way to play the intro that, when worked through for a bit, makes more sense, and is more economical in terms of movement.
It's always cool when, at the end of the week, I can sit down and learn something new about something I've known for a long time. Those small victories, and the fact that my ear is picking up on those subtle tonal differences again is really exciting.
What a great night in the studio. It has me wanting to go through all 214 songs in that book, just learning and studying. Makes me wonder how much more advanced I'd be coming out the other side of that experience.
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