A couple things tonight... 1) We hit up the high school pops concert tonight. The choirs are pretty good, and did some awesome stuff, including songs by Fun., Sara Bareilles, and Adele. The bands, also included, have improved greatly since the fall concert, but haven't quite reached their full potential. 2) I made it through all of the CDs in the Mrs.'s collection, and sorted between discs in cases and those cases which were empty. There's still a spindle that has discs stacked on it, a big folio with CDs, and a smaller box that has discs in it as well. I'm guessing that most of the music in these three spots will fill up the empty cases that I've sorted. From there... we shall see what happens. Started making a list of artists I need to investigate further in a quiet moment at work today... and then proceeded to leave the list at work. Not the smartest idea. Shouldn't be too hard to recreate, but still, I wish I had been smart enough to b...