So, I had a few different spates of playing this afternoon and evening. After a morning of running errands and getting other things crossed off my list, it felt really good to just sit with a guitar in my hands for a while. I know it should have been more focused practice, but I figure that, between going in late tomorrow and having Wednesday off, I was entitled to just get my fingers re-acquainted today, and save the heavy lifting for those couple of days.
That said, I spent a few minutes today with the CAGED system of fretboard knowledge. It's one of those things that I've always heard more about than actually investigated, in spite of having various articles and books that are proponents of it in my collection.
I didn't do as good of a job with the listening or importing today as I had hoped to. The importing, however, can easily be cranked out in the morning before I go in to work. No worries at all in that regard.
In a way, it's probably a good thing that it's supposed to be beastly hot again this week. It'll be all the motivation I need on Wednesday to not leave the house at all and spend the entire day inside with a guitar in my hands, making serious progress with the teaching stuff and the Hendrix.
Tomorrow should bring a few good adventures as well. We shall see.
That said, I spent a few minutes today with the CAGED system of fretboard knowledge. It's one of those things that I've always heard more about than actually investigated, in spite of having various articles and books that are proponents of it in my collection.
I didn't do as good of a job with the listening or importing today as I had hoped to. The importing, however, can easily be cranked out in the morning before I go in to work. No worries at all in that regard.
In a way, it's probably a good thing that it's supposed to be beastly hot again this week. It'll be all the motivation I need on Wednesday to not leave the house at all and spend the entire day inside with a guitar in my hands, making serious progress with the teaching stuff and the Hendrix.
Tomorrow should bring a few good adventures as well. We shall see.
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