So, I worked a split shift today. Oddly enough, it gave me time to do music stuff at three different times during the day. This morning before 7, I put my uncle's CDs into the car stereo. It was sad and fascinating at the same time, hearing his voice, listening to his guitar playing. I had hoped I'd be a bit more ready for that emotionally. I wasn't.
This afternoon I got a chance to work on the Everlys tune and a bit of "Classical Gas" before heading back to work tonight. "All I Have To Do Is Dream" is really starting to come together. Moreso than the Mason Williams. Granted, I've worked on that more, so I can't honestly say I'm surprised. As for tonight, I'm hoping to pick through a few things on the electric.
It feels like things with the band are going to start winding up again here pretty quick. J. has had tracks for about a week now, so I'm expecting work soonish here. And while I know I've said it before, I really need to work on my soloing skills when it comes to this rock stuff.
Y'know, it just dawned on me that I've outlined a three or four pronged attack in tonight's post. I just need to start writing it all down for the binder I keep talking about, and just build it up that way. Things just feel good right now. Like they're coming together.
This afternoon I got a chance to work on the Everlys tune and a bit of "Classical Gas" before heading back to work tonight. "All I Have To Do Is Dream" is really starting to come together. Moreso than the Mason Williams. Granted, I've worked on that more, so I can't honestly say I'm surprised. As for tonight, I'm hoping to pick through a few things on the electric.
It feels like things with the band are going to start winding up again here pretty quick. J. has had tracks for about a week now, so I'm expecting work soonish here. And while I know I've said it before, I really need to work on my soloing skills when it comes to this rock stuff.
Y'know, it just dawned on me that I've outlined a three or four pronged attack in tonight's post. I just need to start writing it all down for the binder I keep talking about, and just build it up that way. Things just feel good right now. Like they're coming together.
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