Yesterday's post has been picking away at the back of my mind all day. I've turned it over so many times in the last 24 hours or so that I've lost count. Here's what I've come to, conclusion-wise:
1) Still incredibly disappointed in the way that November went down. That being said, I'm going to keep with the theme, and focus my work outside of the band on a specific thing during the month of December. I'm going to move away from focusing in on a song, however, and instead turn my attention to whipping the much ballyhooed practice binder into some sort of existence. I've clung to it as this mystical beacon of hope for far too long now, and still, not many of the pieces are in the places they need to be. My new goal will be to have the binder in basic working order by the first of the year, so that I can begin next year with something more structured on which to base my study of the instrument.
2) I'm hoping that focusing in on the binder will give me not only enough playing in the month of December to start feeling more comfortable, but will also polish up the basic resources and skills I need to start teaching lessons again. Not only would the extra cash flow (however little of it there might be) be a welcome thing, doing some teaching would also speed up my own learning curve considerably.
3) It also goes without saying that I will continue to work on learning songs in the hopes that I'll be able to get out there and play coffeehouses/just have some fun recording tunes that I'm familiar with.
and finally,
4) I will continue with whatever work the band requires of me, be it songwriting, recording parts, figuring out tempo on things, building a better studio (ha ha), anything that's needed on that front, I'll do it.
I'm starting to have a better grasp on the rest of my life, it's high time I do the same for my musical existence. It's all about accountability and follow through.
1) Still incredibly disappointed in the way that November went down. That being said, I'm going to keep with the theme, and focus my work outside of the band on a specific thing during the month of December. I'm going to move away from focusing in on a song, however, and instead turn my attention to whipping the much ballyhooed practice binder into some sort of existence. I've clung to it as this mystical beacon of hope for far too long now, and still, not many of the pieces are in the places they need to be. My new goal will be to have the binder in basic working order by the first of the year, so that I can begin next year with something more structured on which to base my study of the instrument.
2) I'm hoping that focusing in on the binder will give me not only enough playing in the month of December to start feeling more comfortable, but will also polish up the basic resources and skills I need to start teaching lessons again. Not only would the extra cash flow (however little of it there might be) be a welcome thing, doing some teaching would also speed up my own learning curve considerably.
3) It also goes without saying that I will continue to work on learning songs in the hopes that I'll be able to get out there and play coffeehouses/just have some fun recording tunes that I'm familiar with.
and finally,
4) I will continue with whatever work the band requires of me, be it songwriting, recording parts, figuring out tempo on things, building a better studio (ha ha), anything that's needed on that front, I'll do it.
I'm starting to have a better grasp on the rest of my life, it's high time I do the same for my musical existence. It's all about accountability and follow through.
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