So, I've gone over the recording that I've got to sort out for tomorrow/Thursday three times now. I'm fairly certain that I've got it counted out correctly. This means that, if all goes according to plan, I ought to have a guide track to send to J. as well as a potential finished acoustic track for the other tune we've been focusing on. If I can get the official recording down, that would mean that B. cana start dropping in vocals by the end of the week, which would be really exciting. Were that to happen, we'd have a basic track done, that I could then go in and lay some electric over.
Not that we don't have other songs to work on as well. There's plenty (including the double drop d progression) that need a lot of going over before recording can begin in earnest. Hopefully I'll get around to giving that a solid look in the next two days as well.
Also, I really need to just spend some time playing. I talked about needing to do that, like, a week and a half ago, and it hasn't materialized as easily as I hoped it would. If it's going to happen and sufficient progress is to be made, it needs to start in the next two days.
Lofty goals, it seems, but then again, I'd rather play up to my competition than start the two days thinking I have all the time in the world, and as a result, get nothing accomplished.
Not that we don't have other songs to work on as well. There's plenty (including the double drop d progression) that need a lot of going over before recording can begin in earnest. Hopefully I'll get around to giving that a solid look in the next two days as well.
Also, I really need to just spend some time playing. I talked about needing to do that, like, a week and a half ago, and it hasn't materialized as easily as I hoped it would. If it's going to happen and sufficient progress is to be made, it needs to start in the next two days.
Lofty goals, it seems, but then again, I'd rather play up to my competition than start the two days thinking I have all the time in the world, and as a result, get nothing accomplished.
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