Skyped with B. for about an hour and a half tonight. It wasn't in the evening's plans until about halfway through my shift tonight, and it happened a bit later in the evening than I had hoped it would because I got home late, but hey, it happened, so no complaints. She asked early on if I had specific things I wanted to talk about tonight, and the only two things I really wanted to get out of the conversation were the full lyrics for the song that I think may lead off the record (because we did have the lyric completed), and the chord progression for another one of the old demos that I need to lay down a track for this weekend, and I wanted to make sure I got it right.
We got that stuff out of the way rather late in the conversation, however, because apparently I felt the need to share my epiphany regarding the song that I suspect will open the record. As I expected, she initially looked at me as if I were completely insane. The more she thought about it, the more she came around to the idea, though, which I honestly wasn't expecting.
After that, things really got interesting. She immediately stated that opening with that song would set the bar really, really high, if only for us. I admitted that I wouldn't want it any other way. Then we started discussing what would come next. How, exactly would we follow that up? It was a valid question, to be sure, and one that led us into a discussion about this riff I've had for years now in G minor. So we get to talking about that, and she at some point tells me that she was messing around with another piano riff that has a couple of chords behind it. She plays the first chord, and it's a G. Already I'm thinking, what are the chances? Then she hits the riff, and I'll be damned if it's not practically the same riff. If she's heard me play it at all, it was one time back in March, and yesterday, she gets this idea... that, to me, proves two things:
1) The riff is good enough.
2) It's got to be on the record.
So that's where I thought the night would end, but no, after we finish our chat, she sends me a text that says she's had a chorus with lyrics & melody sitting around for 3-4 years that, now that she plays it back, might just go with our mutual riffs in G minor.
Lots of work still to do in order to get things ready for my trip home, but nights like tonight, when things fall together out of thin air, will really go a long way toward making the process easier. Hopefully tomorrow goes just as smoothly.
We got that stuff out of the way rather late in the conversation, however, because apparently I felt the need to share my epiphany regarding the song that I suspect will open the record. As I expected, she initially looked at me as if I were completely insane. The more she thought about it, the more she came around to the idea, though, which I honestly wasn't expecting.
After that, things really got interesting. She immediately stated that opening with that song would set the bar really, really high, if only for us. I admitted that I wouldn't want it any other way. Then we started discussing what would come next. How, exactly would we follow that up? It was a valid question, to be sure, and one that led us into a discussion about this riff I've had for years now in G minor. So we get to talking about that, and she at some point tells me that she was messing around with another piano riff that has a couple of chords behind it. She plays the first chord, and it's a G. Already I'm thinking, what are the chances? Then she hits the riff, and I'll be damned if it's not practically the same riff. If she's heard me play it at all, it was one time back in March, and yesterday, she gets this idea... that, to me, proves two things:
1) The riff is good enough.
2) It's got to be on the record.
So that's where I thought the night would end, but no, after we finish our chat, she sends me a text that says she's had a chorus with lyrics & melody sitting around for 3-4 years that, now that she plays it back, might just go with our mutual riffs in G minor.
Lots of work still to do in order to get things ready for my trip home, but nights like tonight, when things fall together out of thin air, will really go a long way toward making the process easier. Hopefully tomorrow goes just as smoothly.
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