So, for the second time in a week, I've received a musical challenge. This time around, it was to burn Butch Walker's version of "You Belong With Me" into my brain. It's a challenge I'll take to gladly, as I love Butch's take on that song. It was actually his version that got me to appreciate TS's version, but anyway.
My only question is this: what key to learn it in? I've seen it in C (capoed at 6), where the basic progression entails C-G-Dm-F.
I've seen it in D (capoed at 4) where the progression entails D-A-Em-G
So many choices... at the end of the day, I'm going to combine a few theories, and do it my own way. Always the best option, if you ask me.
My only question is this: what key to learn it in? I've seen it in C (capoed at 6), where the basic progression entails C-G-Dm-F.
I've seen it in D (capoed at 4) where the progression entails D-A-Em-G
So many choices... at the end of the day, I'm going to combine a few theories, and do it my own way. Always the best option, if you ask me.
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