Sat down tonight and dragged out the circle of fifths. I'm going to run through each key, and write down the highlights (sharps and flats, tonic, dominant, sub-dominant, relative minor) for each one, and then have a mini-fretboard underneath with the notes for that key circled. Then, off of that, I'm going to lay the scales over the top of it, as a way to help with visualization. That way, if I have something solid to refer back to (that I've also created), I'll have what amounts to a double reference point.
So, the new Springsteen disc is amazing. There's enough of a mixture of his upbeat rockers, his ballads, and his message songs to make this his best record since The Rising . And speaking of that record... Buying The Boss the day it comes out always takes me back to a specific moment in life. It was July 30th, 2002, the year after 9/11, the year after someone on the streets of New York told Springsteen "we need you now." I had driven to Oshkosh, WI to visit some friends, when I remembered that Springsteen's disc was scheduled to come out that day. I drove downtown to The Exclusive Company, but had to park a few blocks back. At the time, there wasn't much going on downtown, but when I got out of the car, I could hear this music coming from up the block somewhere. The closer I got to Exclusive, the more it began to dawn on me, they had set up a giant set of speakers in their upstairs windows, and were blasting the new album out into the streets....
Keep it up!!