So, what I printed out last night, I sifted through tonight. As for my conclusions, they go something like this: considering that I'm a bit over a month in, and that in the year before I started I hadn't played all that much, I feel good with what I've accomplished so far. Not fabulous, for I realize that there was more that could have been done in the last 36 days, but good.
If there's anything I need to do a better job of, it remains seeing the things I've begun through to some sort of end. I've started working through "Fine" and "I'm Tore Down," but haven't gotten them to performance levels yet, I've started going all the way through the circle of fifths, but haven't finished the keys with flats yet, I've started to work more on acoustic stuff, but haven't found the balance between that and my electric playing. And I've hardly done any work on my original music. J is probably thinking I've given up on him.
And there you have it, while much has been accomplished, much remains to be worked on, solved, and ironed out. Then again, this is the challenge I signed up for when I started this. I say, bring it on.
If there's anything I need to do a better job of, it remains seeing the things I've begun through to some sort of end. I've started working through "Fine" and "I'm Tore Down," but haven't gotten them to performance levels yet, I've started going all the way through the circle of fifths, but haven't finished the keys with flats yet, I've started to work more on acoustic stuff, but haven't found the balance between that and my electric playing. And I've hardly done any work on my original music. J is probably thinking I've given up on him.
And there you have it, while much has been accomplished, much remains to be worked on, solved, and ironed out. Then again, this is the challenge I signed up for when I started this. I say, bring it on.
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