Well, I got started on things today, a little bit at least.
I split my time in the studio tonight between working on some of the soloing stuff that has been occupying space in my brain and a bit of the transcribing work that I need to get done. I'm doing okay, really, but my big hang up right now seems to be a desire to tinker with the basic ideas before I start writing them out, just to see if I can make them better before I commit them to paper. That's either going to be a really good thing in the end, or it is going to slow me down way too much.
Still, I made a bit of progress today. Tomorrow needs to be a more productive one, but I'm okay with what I got worked on today.
I split my time in the studio tonight between working on some of the soloing stuff that has been occupying space in my brain and a bit of the transcribing work that I need to get done. I'm doing okay, really, but my big hang up right now seems to be a desire to tinker with the basic ideas before I start writing them out, just to see if I can make them better before I commit them to paper. That's either going to be a really good thing in the end, or it is going to slow me down way too much.
Still, I made a bit of progress today. Tomorrow needs to be a more productive one, but I'm okay with what I got worked on today.
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