I got over my incessant need to tinker today, and the transcribing is starting to flow (finally). Although, I realized fairly quickly that this is definitely going to be a two guitar process, with one of them in standard tuning and the other dropped a half step from standard. I had forgotten just how many ideas I was writing on a guitar that was tuned a half step low. At one point, I had thought it sounded better for my voice. Now I find myself wondering if that is still the case.
I'm really hoping that, with productive days tomorrow and Monday, I can finish off that part of the project and get down to the actual work on songs. This break is already feeling productive, and I haven't even scratched the surface yet, really.
Today was good, though.
I'm really hoping that, with productive days tomorrow and Monday, I can finish off that part of the project and get down to the actual work on songs. This break is already feeling productive, and I haven't even scratched the surface yet, really.
Today was good, though.
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