Today was the day I expected to have yesterday.
I finally sat down and got started listening to the new Tweedy record.
After that, I did something I've been wanting to get back to for the last couple of weeks: I sat down and put in a bit of time working on the EP project. I've got four of the song ideas finished (except for lyrics) for the EP, and the thing that's missing is the slower song to put in the middle of the five tracks. Realizing this, I picked up the acoustic and started trying to find my way around whatever that last song will be. I found a few possibilities, but I'm not rushing to any conclusions tonight. I'll have something sorted out by the end of the day Monday, though, that I know for sure.
Probably didn't do enough with the electric today, but I'm happy with the progress I made on the record today.
I finally sat down and got started listening to the new Tweedy record.
After that, I did something I've been wanting to get back to for the last couple of weeks: I sat down and put in a bit of time working on the EP project. I've got four of the song ideas finished (except for lyrics) for the EP, and the thing that's missing is the slower song to put in the middle of the five tracks. Realizing this, I picked up the acoustic and started trying to find my way around whatever that last song will be. I found a few possibilities, but I'm not rushing to any conclusions tonight. I'll have something sorted out by the end of the day Monday, though, that I know for sure.
Probably didn't do enough with the electric today, but I'm happy with the progress I made on the record today.
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