So, I was all set to get done with work early this afternoon, come home, and have the house to myself for long enough that I could spend a good chunk of time in the studio before The Mrs. got home. And then I walked out of work and found my Dad waiting for me. Completely unplanned, and completely wonderful to get to see him.
That said, my plans for the afternoon/evening changed a bit. Instead of spending time listening and playing this afternoon, I spent a little bit of time tonight doing some reading and studying from a few columns on the Guitar World website (things that I will definitely be revisiting tomorrow afternoon-Monday) that had to do with scales and fretboard knowledge.
It also pushes back my listening plans until tomorrow after work, but with The Mrs. working 2-8, I should have plenty of time after I get done at 12:30.
Even factoring in the relative lack of time for music today, it was still a fantastic Friday afternoon that got me pumped up for the weekend to come.
That said, my plans for the afternoon/evening changed a bit. Instead of spending time listening and playing this afternoon, I spent a little bit of time tonight doing some reading and studying from a few columns on the Guitar World website (things that I will definitely be revisiting tomorrow afternoon-Monday) that had to do with scales and fretboard knowledge.
It also pushes back my listening plans until tomorrow after work, but with The Mrs. working 2-8, I should have plenty of time after I get done at 12:30.
Even factoring in the relative lack of time for music today, it was still a fantastic Friday afternoon that got me pumped up for the weekend to come.
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