So it seems I've settled into an alternating day routine. A day spent with the electric followed by a day full of acoustic stuff. This plan seems to be working thus far.
You know what's cool? I've been associating the theory stuff I've been working on lately with the electric side of things, so when I sat down with the guitar tonight, I did so with theory study in mind. What always gets me is that, each resource I add finds a slightly different way to approach things. It seems like there is always one more bit of fresh information.
Those small nuggets of information are working together to form a clearer picture each time I sit down to study. The progress is happening, it just isn't all the way there yet.
With the day off tomorrow, I'm hoping that I can get in an electric/theory session, as well as work my way through that finger picking stuff on the acoustic side of things.
Today was a good day, tomorrow will be even better.
You know what's cool? I've been associating the theory stuff I've been working on lately with the electric side of things, so when I sat down with the guitar tonight, I did so with theory study in mind. What always gets me is that, each resource I add finds a slightly different way to approach things. It seems like there is always one more bit of fresh information.
Those small nuggets of information are working together to form a clearer picture each time I sit down to study. The progress is happening, it just isn't all the way there yet.
With the day off tomorrow, I'm hoping that I can get in an electric/theory session, as well as work my way through that finger picking stuff on the acoustic side of things.
Today was a good day, tomorrow will be even better.
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