All I had really hoped to get done tonight, studio-wise, was to finish off the chorus progression for that song I've been tinkering with. It's clear to me that I just don't write enough songs.
I can get a verse progression that I really like, and/or a chorus progression that sounds really cool, but I always (and I mean always) seem to struggle with getting the transitions right, so that they flow from one to the other, and back again.
When I am successful at putting the pieces together, it's more often than not because I'm not thinking about it, and it just drops into my lap. Looks like it's time to revisit all the books on songwriting that I bought in my early 20's, because I'm certain to get more out of them at this point, right? At that time, so much of the theory went over my head, but I'm certain that, with time and focus, I'd get more out of them now than I ever did then.
I'm also going to talk with my brother about transitions, just to see what he can bring to the table.
Still, I think the biggest issue I have is simply that I don't spend enough time writing songs.
Today was a decent day. Tomorrow will be a better one.
I can get a verse progression that I really like, and/or a chorus progression that sounds really cool, but I always (and I mean always) seem to struggle with getting the transitions right, so that they flow from one to the other, and back again.
When I am successful at putting the pieces together, it's more often than not because I'm not thinking about it, and it just drops into my lap. Looks like it's time to revisit all the books on songwriting that I bought in my early 20's, because I'm certain to get more out of them at this point, right? At that time, so much of the theory went over my head, but I'm certain that, with time and focus, I'd get more out of them now than I ever did then.
I'm also going to talk with my brother about transitions, just to see what he can bring to the table.
Still, I think the biggest issue I have is simply that I don't spend enough time writing songs.
Today was a decent day. Tomorrow will be a better one.
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