So, somewhere in the last 18 hours or so, I've stumbled onto Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers. Or I've been re-introduced to them, I'm not entirely sure which.
I had ended up on their mailing list somehow last year, and in spite of that, had never really ended up listening to anything by the band. I've kept on getting emails from their band (they are on tour right now, and then going on hiatus at the end of the year), and finally last night I actually took the time to listen to some of their stuff. They let you stream it on their website, so that part was easy.
Then, tonight, I checked out some videos on youtube. After looking them up at work, of course, only to discover that we can hardly get any of what Stephen has put out, either solo, or with the Sixers. Something tells me that I'll be checking Best Buy and Half Price Books and FYE for their stuff before I leave the DSM. ZZZ Records might be a solid place to look as well. I'd like to make one more pilgrimage down there before I leave town, although I'm honestly not sure anything can top finding Matthew Sweet's two early indie records for $2 each in their clearance racks of CDs.
And this may be completely random, but I couldn't help noticing that he capos a lot of his stuff at the second fret. First Aimee Mann, and now him. I get that this is a common practice, but I really wonder just how much of the music I love is capoed, and what that says about what I look for in my music.
How's that for a random musical thought today?
I had ended up on their mailing list somehow last year, and in spite of that, had never really ended up listening to anything by the band. I've kept on getting emails from their band (they are on tour right now, and then going on hiatus at the end of the year), and finally last night I actually took the time to listen to some of their stuff. They let you stream it on their website, so that part was easy.
Then, tonight, I checked out some videos on youtube. After looking them up at work, of course, only to discover that we can hardly get any of what Stephen has put out, either solo, or with the Sixers. Something tells me that I'll be checking Best Buy and Half Price Books and FYE for their stuff before I leave the DSM. ZZZ Records might be a solid place to look as well. I'd like to make one more pilgrimage down there before I leave town, although I'm honestly not sure anything can top finding Matthew Sweet's two early indie records for $2 each in their clearance racks of CDs.
And this may be completely random, but I couldn't help noticing that he capos a lot of his stuff at the second fret. First Aimee Mann, and now him. I get that this is a common practice, but I really wonder just how much of the music I love is capoed, and what that says about what I look for in my music.
How's that for a random musical thought today?
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