Today was a good day, if a bit slow paced.
I got myself caught up on some of the pile of guitar magazines, did a bit of acoustic work, and continued with the listening that has occupied a good bit of my time the last few days.
It always feels good to sit down with a guitar in my hands, and while I knew that I should have been focused either on songs for May or trying to do some writing, what I really enjoyed most was just doing some playing. The way I see it, the writing will start to get rolling here as the school year winds down.
Either way, it was a good day all around, with more to come both tomorrow and Sunday.
I got myself caught up on some of the pile of guitar magazines, did a bit of acoustic work, and continued with the listening that has occupied a good bit of my time the last few days.
It always feels good to sit down with a guitar in my hands, and while I knew that I should have been focused either on songs for May or trying to do some writing, what I really enjoyed most was just doing some playing. The way I see it, the writing will start to get rolling here as the school year winds down.
Either way, it was a good day all around, with more to come both tomorrow and Sunday.
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