Well, after being here since the middle of June, today I finally gave up looking for my looping pedal, wrote it off as a loss, and ordered a replacement. Which means that I will, no doubt, find the original one in the next few weeks.
Sadly, today wasn't as productive of a day as I was hoping for, but I am definitely looking forward to getting the tablature paper that I ordered in the mail tomorrow. That will let me get back to transcribing the riffs and progressions I have sitting on my recording gear.
The other cool things that happened today involved finding a box of studio stuff out in the garage. Mostly it had notebooks and magazines in it, I think. I'm going to have to take a closer look at it tomorrow, though.
All I know for sure is that it didn't have a looping pedal in it.
Sadly, today wasn't as productive of a day as I was hoping for, but I am definitely looking forward to getting the tablature paper that I ordered in the mail tomorrow. That will let me get back to transcribing the riffs and progressions I have sitting on my recording gear.
The other cool things that happened today involved finding a box of studio stuff out in the garage. Mostly it had notebooks and magazines in it, I think. I'm going to have to take a closer look at it tomorrow, though.
All I know for sure is that it didn't have a looping pedal in it.
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