Today was another day spent mostly working in my head. Work was busy, but not so busy that I didn't have time to sit down and do some thinking/plotting about the recording projects. With all of the pondering I've been doing, I'm awfully close to needing to take a weekend and hole up downstairs, just to see what happens.
I did a bit of listening today, too, on my way to and from work. Tomorrow's listening will be better, though, because I've already got it in my head that I need to bring the new Jack White along with me for the ride.
Quiet day, but not a bad one. I'll get some work done tomorrow morning before I head off to work.
I did a bit of listening today, too, on my way to and from work. Tomorrow's listening will be better, though, because I've already got it in my head that I need to bring the new Jack White along with me for the ride.
Quiet day, but not a bad one. I'll get some work done tomorrow morning before I head off to work.
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