So, on top of everything else that is going on right now, I'm starting to get flashes of what, in times gone by, would indicate the start of a writing cycle.
Granted, that's mostly based on information gleaned from a couple of different attempts at FAWM, and then the writing sessions from my time in the band years ago, but still, the feeling is there.
Didn't make much progress in the emptying of the studio tonight, but the weekend will be a good time to try and get a lot of work done in there. I'm still really needing to carve out a bit of time to sit down and play as well, so hopefully I can find that this weekend.
Granted, that's mostly based on information gleaned from a couple of different attempts at FAWM, and then the writing sessions from my time in the band years ago, but still, the feeling is there.
Didn't make much progress in the emptying of the studio tonight, but the weekend will be a good time to try and get a lot of work done in there. I'm still really needing to carve out a bit of time to sit down and play as well, so hopefully I can find that this weekend.
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