So, I found myself a bit of time to look at the EP today, and it is becoming more and more obvious to me that working in fits and starts, with only small increments of time to really devote to the project isn't working. I need to be better about using the small chunks of time to work on more specific things: transitions between verses and choruses, etc.
I also need to get back into the habit of carrying a notebook with me at all times, to jot down the ideas (musical, lyrical, etc.) that occur to me during the day. That way, when I get a day off (like this coming Wednesday, for example), I can have everything all in one place so that I don't constantly feel like I'm playing catch-up and reintroducing myself to the project every time I sit down.
Mostly, I'm just finally at the point where I'm really frustrated that I haven't made more progress, and it's time to kick things into a higher gear than they have been of late.
I also need to get back into the habit of carrying a notebook with me at all times, to jot down the ideas (musical, lyrical, etc.) that occur to me during the day. That way, when I get a day off (like this coming Wednesday, for example), I can have everything all in one place so that I don't constantly feel like I'm playing catch-up and reintroducing myself to the project every time I sit down.
Mostly, I'm just finally at the point where I'm really frustrated that I haven't made more progress, and it's time to kick things into a higher gear than they have been of late.
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