Today was a busy enough day that I didn't have a lot of time for music making.
When I was able to get a bit of time this evening, I spent it starting to look at the Richard Lloyd columns. I have long thought that this series of articles will prove to be a worthwhile study, I just haven't spent a whole lot of time with them. A small bit of that changed tonight, but more of it will change tomorrow.
I'm just really excited to have some time to practice on my day off.
When I was able to get a bit of time this evening, I spent it starting to look at the Richard Lloyd columns. I have long thought that this series of articles will prove to be a worthwhile study, I just haven't spent a whole lot of time with them. A small bit of that changed tonight, but more of it will change tomorrow.
I'm just really excited to have some time to practice on my day off.
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