So, I got a few things done today, in no semblance of order or structure whatsoever.
1. I started in on the listening that has somehow eluded me the last couple of days. Spoon's Girls Can Tell is the record that made it into the CD player in the car on the way to (and from) work today, and then out running errands. Really enjoyable listen. Made me excited to both crack into the new record and listen to all of the older stuff.
2. I started my list of CDs I'm going to be searching for on our trip to WI at the end of the week. That may be a bit silly, but I know there will be an Exclusive stop, and a couple of Half Price Books stops in there, and if I'm going to do it, I might as well go in prepared.
3. I made it through my ukulele song for the day (Van Morrison), and did a bit of guitar work before realizing how exhausted I was and needing to jot down my somewhat disorganized music thoughts for the day.
I'll do much better tomorrow, both in terms of being coherent and productive.
1. I started in on the listening that has somehow eluded me the last couple of days. Spoon's Girls Can Tell is the record that made it into the CD player in the car on the way to (and from) work today, and then out running errands. Really enjoyable listen. Made me excited to both crack into the new record and listen to all of the older stuff.
2. I started my list of CDs I'm going to be searching for on our trip to WI at the end of the week. That may be a bit silly, but I know there will be an Exclusive stop, and a couple of Half Price Books stops in there, and if I'm going to do it, I might as well go in prepared.
3. I made it through my ukulele song for the day (Van Morrison), and did a bit of guitar work before realizing how exhausted I was and needing to jot down my somewhat disorganized music thoughts for the day.
I'll do much better tomorrow, both in terms of being coherent and productive.
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