Today was a fairly quiet day, all things considered.
I was able to find a little bit of time to do some reading/studying with a couple of the new books I picked up yesterday. The time spent was good, and the new books will definitely be of help, but today ended up being more of a lazy Sunday than I expected it to be.
All things considered, it probably wasn't the most efficient use of my first weekend in year five of the blog, but what it has done for me is ensure that I'll be exceptionally focused during the coming week. It even makes it a bit easier for me to plot out my musical to-do list for the week.
Having company here was wonderful. Having what I hope will be a normal and productive week in the studio will be that as well.
I was able to find a little bit of time to do some reading/studying with a couple of the new books I picked up yesterday. The time spent was good, and the new books will definitely be of help, but today ended up being more of a lazy Sunday than I expected it to be.
All things considered, it probably wasn't the most efficient use of my first weekend in year five of the blog, but what it has done for me is ensure that I'll be exceptionally focused during the coming week. It even makes it a bit easier for me to plot out my musical to-do list for the week.
Having company here was wonderful. Having what I hope will be a normal and productive week in the studio will be that as well.
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