So, I've been kicking the tires on an idea all day long. I got a couple of opinions from people, but have mostly done the thinking in my head, and here's what I've come up with: February is National Record Production Month. There's an RPM Challenge, wherein you are supposed to write and record 10 songs (or 35 minutes) of music in February. There's also the FAWM (February Album Writing Month) Challenge, where you're supposed to write (but not necessarily record) 14 songs in 28 days. I've talked about it in this space in years past, and even half-heartedly tried the RPM Challenge (I think) a couple of times. This year feels different. Maybe it's "Put Up Or Shut Up" that has me feeling that way. There's just something about 2014 that makes me think that, if there's a first time for everything, this is the first time for this. I'm not sure I'll go so far as to sign up on either one of their respective websites (, ...