Another day in between rounds of the #STARTexp. Got a few big things done in the studio today, and didn't really spend all that much time in there. That said, here's what got done:
1) Got the music documentaries put on the bookshelf. I really, really want to go and get the second bookshelf tomorrow, if only to get the rest of the boxes out of the closet and all of the magazines shelved.
2) Got the work table set up.
3) Got the TV and the DVD player (for instructional videos, music movies, and music documentaries) set up. Haven't tested it out yet, but that will no doubt happen tomorrow. Even with that stuff on the table, there's still plenty of room for a notebook, a pen, and my tabletop music stand.
If I can steal even a few minutes in there before I go to bed tonight, I can get a few of the random crates and other things suitably stashed away. Definitely on track to have everything squared away in the studio by Sunday.
That's really all for tonight. It was a good day, and with one more tomorrow, almost all of the progress will be completed.
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