So, I got a couple of lyric lines this morning before work. It always feels good to dash off a couple of lines before having to run off for the day.
Picked up a couple of small things at work today. Payday and a change in plans for the weekend will do that to you. New issue of Acoustic Guitar magazine, the highlight of which may well be the transcription of "High & Dry" by Radiohead.
I also snagged a couple of soundtracks that were in the $7.99 bin:
1) Eddie & The Cruisers
2) Eddie Lives!
Not sure that all of the music John Cafferty had on those records will be genius, but the first one will be worth it for "On The Dark Side" alone.
Also, I just spotted a trailer for a Butch Walker documentary called Out Of Focus. This looks AMAZING! And while I know it's a long ways away from coming out on DVD, I really hope it does, because I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
No plans for tomorrow, other than working on the record. While part of me is bummed to have my original plans for this weekend postponed by a week, the practical, understanding part of me is excited to have a whole day to see what I can get done musically.
Picked up a couple of small things at work today. Payday and a change in plans for the weekend will do that to you. New issue of Acoustic Guitar magazine, the highlight of which may well be the transcription of "High & Dry" by Radiohead.
I also snagged a couple of soundtracks that were in the $7.99 bin:
1) Eddie & The Cruisers
2) Eddie Lives!
Not sure that all of the music John Cafferty had on those records will be genius, but the first one will be worth it for "On The Dark Side" alone.
Also, I just spotted a trailer for a Butch Walker documentary called Out Of Focus. This looks AMAZING! And while I know it's a long ways away from coming out on DVD, I really hope it does, because I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
No plans for tomorrow, other than working on the record. While part of me is bummed to have my original plans for this weekend postponed by a week, the practical, understanding part of me is excited to have a whole day to see what I can get done musically.
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