Today was an odd hodgepodge of stuff.
I spent a bit of time playing this afternoon, but far less time than I had hoped to put in last night as I was writing and full of optimism. My errands took longer than I thought they would today. Still, I had time to pick up the electric for a while.
What I really need to do is sit down and figure out some short-term goals that are at least somewhat easily accessible. That way I can build up to bigger successes as the year goes along. I've got a few ideas. One of those ideas happens to be buying a copy of ProTools and an interface. According to Amazon, I should be able to do that for under $100. That would be sweet. Second on that list would be trying to refurbish an old laptop, so I can have a dedicated computer for music stuff. The second step will cost me more (a hard drive and operating system), but it would be so worth the trouble if it let me speed up things for the band.
I wound down the night by cracking open a book on Tom Waits, Low Side Of The Road, that I had picked up at Half Price Books last year but not gotten around to reading. Started in on that a bit. I always figure I can handle one fiction and one non-fiction at the same time. And almost all of my non-fiction is music related.
All told, it was a busy day, but one less musical than I had hoped.
I spent a bit of time playing this afternoon, but far less time than I had hoped to put in last night as I was writing and full of optimism. My errands took longer than I thought they would today. Still, I had time to pick up the electric for a while.
What I really need to do is sit down and figure out some short-term goals that are at least somewhat easily accessible. That way I can build up to bigger successes as the year goes along. I've got a few ideas. One of those ideas happens to be buying a copy of ProTools and an interface. According to Amazon, I should be able to do that for under $100. That would be sweet. Second on that list would be trying to refurbish an old laptop, so I can have a dedicated computer for music stuff. The second step will cost me more (a hard drive and operating system), but it would be so worth the trouble if it let me speed up things for the band.
I wound down the night by cracking open a book on Tom Waits, Low Side Of The Road, that I had picked up at Half Price Books last year but not gotten around to reading. Started in on that a bit. I always figure I can handle one fiction and one non-fiction at the same time. And almost all of my non-fiction is music related.
All told, it was a busy day, but one less musical than I had hoped.
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