Well, the planned day-long writing session wound up being about a 4 hour writing session that took up the late afternoon/evening. B. got down here about 4 or so, and left around 8, but my, oh my, was there some progress made in those 4 hours!
We finally got to the bottom of the Double Drop D progression! Tightened it up a bit, shifted some chords around, and (*gasp*) started getting some lyrics down for it. She thinks I ought to write the rest of them, seeing as the verse that we used was something I had cherry-picked out of one of my notebooks before the trip. I'll definitely have a go at it. The chorus idea was one of hers though. We've got the tempo figured out on that one, too, so that'll be a good thing when the time comes to work with J. on that one.
Also of note, we figured out (or so we suspect) the rest of the tune I had my epiphany about the other day. We did something kind of curious with the chorus on that one, so I'm intrigued to see if that notion actually holds up long term or not.
She also pulled a statement out of the hat that I never thought would appear... she thinks that one of the songs we've been high on for the entire existence of the band may only be a b-side. To a certain extent, I can see where she's right, but eliminating that song from the running only opens up another hole we have to fill. I still think it fits, but I'm not the only one with a say when it all comes down to it. Still, between the two we finished off today, and the two remaining ideas that she feels need to be on the record, that gives us ten, and leaves out 3 others that we've always thought would be included.
At the very least we now have an incredibly solid EP. Brit's response to my making that statement? "That's great, and all, but I want a real record."
Personally, I think we have it... and I think all of the music for it ought to be done by the end of the week. Hell, I think if we'd had another few hours to work today, it could've been done by the time she left. The lyrics? Well, that's another matter entirely.
I've held off writing a lot of lyrics during this second round of songwriting that's been happening since June, just because she's the one singing, and I don't terribly want to "put words into her mouth," so to speak, but something in me snapped this afternoon, when she was pondering not coming bcause 3:30 in the afternoon was "getting kind of late..." I'm not holding back anymore. This record is getting finished if I've got to drag it across the finish line. I'm just happy we got a lot done in the 4 hours she was here.
We finally got to the bottom of the Double Drop D progression! Tightened it up a bit, shifted some chords around, and (*gasp*) started getting some lyrics down for it. She thinks I ought to write the rest of them, seeing as the verse that we used was something I had cherry-picked out of one of my notebooks before the trip. I'll definitely have a go at it. The chorus idea was one of hers though. We've got the tempo figured out on that one, too, so that'll be a good thing when the time comes to work with J. on that one.
Also of note, we figured out (or so we suspect) the rest of the tune I had my epiphany about the other day. We did something kind of curious with the chorus on that one, so I'm intrigued to see if that notion actually holds up long term or not.
She also pulled a statement out of the hat that I never thought would appear... she thinks that one of the songs we've been high on for the entire existence of the band may only be a b-side. To a certain extent, I can see where she's right, but eliminating that song from the running only opens up another hole we have to fill. I still think it fits, but I'm not the only one with a say when it all comes down to it. Still, between the two we finished off today, and the two remaining ideas that she feels need to be on the record, that gives us ten, and leaves out 3 others that we've always thought would be included.
At the very least we now have an incredibly solid EP. Brit's response to my making that statement? "That's great, and all, but I want a real record."
Personally, I think we have it... and I think all of the music for it ought to be done by the end of the week. Hell, I think if we'd had another few hours to work today, it could've been done by the time she left. The lyrics? Well, that's another matter entirely.
I've held off writing a lot of lyrics during this second round of songwriting that's been happening since June, just because she's the one singing, and I don't terribly want to "put words into her mouth," so to speak, but something in me snapped this afternoon, when she was pondering not coming bcause 3:30 in the afternoon was "getting kind of late..." I'm not holding back anymore. This record is getting finished if I've got to drag it across the finish line. I'm just happy we got a lot done in the 4 hours she was here.
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