Finally got in touch with B. tonight... she sent me the verse & chorus that she's been working on. Said she sees it more as a quiet, album ending type track. I really liked what she sent me, and I suspect that with a little work and a little polish, we can possibly include it in the list of "keepers." The old pattern emerges... I wrote the music, and she came through on the lyrical side. That means that both she and J. have gotten a lot done recently, and I'm kind of feeling like I haven't done my share of late. That's a horrible feeling to be left with at the end of a day where I had hoped to get a lot done. On the plus side: I did get the progression I've been fighting with recorded and sent off to B. She likes it, and she hears it as a verse... which helps me out immensely just from a song structure point of view. Also on the plus side, was out running a few errands today, and stumbled across a book on arranging songs at Half Price Books. Not su...