Today's post may well be a bit on the short side, but even so, it opens with good news! I had sent B. a text when I got back to DSM a couple weeks ago, to say that I was both back in town, and back online. Never heard back. Nonetheless, I've been working a lot, fitting in the music when I can, doing small things to put a few pieces in place. That way, when things did get started, I'd have something to start with. The text came today, said she was "still on board." Full steam ahead begins now. Also of note: I'm seeing The Decembrists in April in Iowa City. Justin Townes Earle opens for them. And for the record, I'm also pondering going back to Iowa City eight days later to see The New Pornographers and The Walkmen at the same venue. Tomorrow I start in on the ever expanding list of songs with the acoustic, and a notebook, and see what I can do with each progression.
So, the new Springsteen disc is amazing. There's enough of a mixture of his upbeat rockers, his ballads, and his message songs to make this his best record since The Rising . And speaking of that record... Buying The Boss the day it comes out always takes me back to a specific moment in life. It was July 30th, 2002, the year after 9/11, the year after someone on the streets of New York told Springsteen "we need you now." I had driven to Oshkosh, WI to visit some friends, when I remembered that Springsteen's disc was scheduled to come out that day. I drove downtown to The Exclusive Company, but had to park a few blocks back. At the time, there wasn't much going on downtown, but when I got out of the car, I could hear this music coming from up the block somewhere. The closer I got to Exclusive, the more it began to dawn on me, they had set up a giant set of speakers in their upstairs windows, and were blasting the new album out into the streets....
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