Slow day today. Feels like a letdown after the expansive entry that was yesterday. Did a little bit of playing, though, and a LOT of listening. It was a Wilco sort of day... which wasn't all that surprising considering that I found out that Jeff Tweedy is going to be at the Capitol Theater in Madison on March 28th. That's a Monday, so hopefully I'll be off, because I have every intention of making that show. I know I've mentioned it before here, but I absolutely love that band.
I tried to work through some of the progression from the other day, but it wasn't clicking today. That said, I ran some scales, played some blues riffs, and called it a day.
As much listening as there was in my day, it still doesn't feel like there was enough music in the last 24 hours. I open in the morning, so hopefully that'll change tomorrow.
I tried to work through some of the progression from the other day, but it wasn't clicking today. That said, I ran some scales, played some blues riffs, and called it a day.
As much listening as there was in my day, it still doesn't feel like there was enough music in the last 24 hours. I open in the morning, so hopefully that'll change tomorrow.
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