Well, I was at least a little bit right about today.
I got down into the studio a bit earlier than I did yesterday, which was good, and I kept looking over some of the early Goldmine lessons, which was also good.
What I didn't sit down and do was go through all of the magazines looking at lessons and transcriptions. Instead, I picked a mag at random, found a James Taylor lesson inside it, and started to take a look at that.
Also, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned it before here, but since it fits in with the JT focus, it bears repeating. His website has a fantastically cool set of lessons on it that cover songs from his entire career, all taught by the man himself.
Today was another decent day, and as usual of late, I'm hoping tomorrow will be better.
I got down into the studio a bit earlier than I did yesterday, which was good, and I kept looking over some of the early Goldmine lessons, which was also good.
What I didn't sit down and do was go through all of the magazines looking at lessons and transcriptions. Instead, I picked a mag at random, found a James Taylor lesson inside it, and started to take a look at that.
Also, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned it before here, but since it fits in with the JT focus, it bears repeating. His website has a fantastically cool set of lessons on it that cover songs from his entire career, all taught by the man himself.
Today was another decent day, and as usual of late, I'm hoping tomorrow will be better.
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