Today was a better day.
Oddly enough, after all of the talk about electric stuff the last few days, I spent all of my time in the studio tonight with the acoustic in my hands.
I went back through some of the old issues of Guitar World Acoustic that I had rescued from my Mom's storage unit last year, and found myself taking a look at Uncle Tupelo's version of "No Depression." I love both that song and that band.
I must really be all over the plae right now, because as excited as I've been over the prospect of going solo electric, having the acoustic in my hands tonight felt really, really good.
Oddly enough, after all of the talk about electric stuff the last few days, I spent all of my time in the studio tonight with the acoustic in my hands.
I went back through some of the old issues of Guitar World Acoustic that I had rescued from my Mom's storage unit last year, and found myself taking a look at Uncle Tupelo's version of "No Depression." I love both that song and that band.
I must really be all over the plae right now, because as excited as I've been over the prospect of going solo electric, having the acoustic in my hands tonight felt really, really good.
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