Today was a long day. At the end of a long week. And I've got a four hour shift tomorrow, too. I'm more tired right now, as I type this, than I have been in a long time. That said, I feel like a "what I'd like to get done this weekend" post might be in order. The list looks something like this:
1. Vai Workout/GW Columns
2. Work on the record/lyrics
3. Clapton (with the GT-1)
4. Listening & Reading
That seems to be a fair start. If I make it through that, I'll add some things. There's plenty to add, believe me.
1. Vai Workout/GW Columns
2. Work on the record/lyrics
3. Clapton (with the GT-1)
4. Listening & Reading
That seems to be a fair start. If I make it through that, I'll add some things. There's plenty to add, believe me.
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