Tonight's post feels like it's going to be a few small stories that add up to something greater than the sum of its parts. Just throwing that out there now, in case this seems a bit disjointed at times.
I've wanted to make a record for a long time now. Since before I started this blog, and really for about the nine years before that. Granted, for most of those years, especially the earlier ones, I didn't have the skills or ability to make a record, but that didn't dull the desire any. And, if you want to be technical, the two years before I started the blog, I was hardly doing anything musical at all, so I'm not entirely sure those years really fit the bill, but still...
I read somewhere during those years, that one of the tricks to getting started when you're writing a new song is to close your eyes, picture the record on the player, watch yourself dropping the needle on it, listening for the music that starts playing, and then trying to play it back on your guitar/piano/etc. A bit convoluted, sure, but for years now, I have been able to hear the opening of my record in my head. It (obviously) comes from a song idea that I've had knocking around for probably eight years now (at least). I've tried recording it in the past, and for whatever reason, it has never come out sounding quite the way I hear it in my head. I've gotten close many times, but some small piece has always felt like it was missing. Still, I've kept it around, hoping that one day I'd get it right...
Tonight, I think I finally got it right. The intro riff for this particular song idea has always been played up the neck, and it still is, but I've been experimenting with adding in other chords the last few days, just to see if I could finally shake it loose, and tonight I found the chord that seems to finish it off. It feels like the skeleton of a song now instead of a series of chords played one after the other. Don't get me wrong, I know there's still work to do on it, but I'm feeling good enough about it to try and block it out the way I blocked out the songs I was working on this summer.
Remember this? Me too. And the way I'm feeling tonight, it's about time to break it out again.
About the only other news I've got tonight is that I finished off week 3 in Guitar Aerobics today.
I've wanted to make a record for a long time now. Since before I started this blog, and really for about the nine years before that. Granted, for most of those years, especially the earlier ones, I didn't have the skills or ability to make a record, but that didn't dull the desire any. And, if you want to be technical, the two years before I started the blog, I was hardly doing anything musical at all, so I'm not entirely sure those years really fit the bill, but still...
I read somewhere during those years, that one of the tricks to getting started when you're writing a new song is to close your eyes, picture the record on the player, watch yourself dropping the needle on it, listening for the music that starts playing, and then trying to play it back on your guitar/piano/etc. A bit convoluted, sure, but for years now, I have been able to hear the opening of my record in my head. It (obviously) comes from a song idea that I've had knocking around for probably eight years now (at least). I've tried recording it in the past, and for whatever reason, it has never come out sounding quite the way I hear it in my head. I've gotten close many times, but some small piece has always felt like it was missing. Still, I've kept it around, hoping that one day I'd get it right...
Tonight, I think I finally got it right. The intro riff for this particular song idea has always been played up the neck, and it still is, but I've been experimenting with adding in other chords the last few days, just to see if I could finally shake it loose, and tonight I found the chord that seems to finish it off. It feels like the skeleton of a song now instead of a series of chords played one after the other. Don't get me wrong, I know there's still work to do on it, but I'm feeling good enough about it to try and block it out the way I blocked out the songs I was working on this summer.
About the only other news I've got tonight is that I finished off week 3 in Guitar Aerobics today.
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