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Showing posts from October, 2017

Day One Hundred (Year Eight)

Not a lot again today, after a long day of work, but at the very least I was able to crack open the magazines that came yesterday, and at least start to page through those.  Tomorrow is going to be (I hope) a fairly productive day that will allow me to get to at least some of the following: 1.  Listening 2.  Get caught up on the magazine pile 3.  Work on songs for the EP 4.  Practicing 5.  Beatles Study Of all of that, the last three things on the list are probably the most important, but I'm really hoping to get at least some work in on all of it.

Day Ninety Nine (Year Eight)

Not much to report today. New issues of Guitar World and Acoustic Guitar came in the mail, but I didn't have a chance to look through them at all.  Nor did I have much of a chance to get at the Beatles study, or anything else, really. Just a long, mostly unproductive sort of day.  Better tomorrow, I hope.

Day Ninety Eight (Year Eight)

Today was a quieter day than I had hoped for. I was able to fit in a little bit of work on the Beatles study, but there wasn't enough time today to really fall down the rabbit hole and lose myself, so in the end I had to be contented with another small step forward. I was really hoping for more out of this weekend.  I can't believe tomorrow is Monday already.  Maybe the next few days will offer an uptick. 

Day Ninety Seven (Year Eight)

Today was a better day, not because I had a whole lot more time in the studio today than I did yesterday, but because I had a chance to be deliberate in what I was focused on. It was a Beatles study sort of day, and I was just happy to get a little bit farther into things today than I did yesterday and the day before. With any luck, tomorrow is going to be an even bigger leap forward.

Day Ninety Six (Year Eight)

Today didn't end up being the day I had been hoping for, but I was still able to make a little bit of progress on a couple of different fronts. First of all, I was able to fit in a small bit of listening in between trying to get some things done around the house. Secondly, and more important, I was able to spend another bit of time on the Beatles study, and while I didn't have the time I wanted to, I had enough time to make another small push forward.  Considering the day I got versus the day I was expecting, I'll take that as a win and look forward to tomorrow.

Day Ninety Five (Year Eight)

Today was a crazy day at work, and yet it was also the lead-in to my weekend, so as exhausted as I was getting home, I knew that I still wanted to sit down and work on something tonight.  That ended up taking the form of a bit of theory work.  I had debated breaking out the Beatles stuff, but passed on that for tonight with the hope that I can pick it up tomorrow when I'm a bit less tired and a lot more fresh. Other things I want/need to get to this weekend include: 1.  Listening 2.  The EP project 3.  Practicing I'm really looking forward to the next few days.

Day Ninety Four (Year Eight)

Today was insane, and not necessarily in a good way.  We had our roof replaced today, which was a good thing, but it was loud enough that it was tough to focus. I managed to put in a bit of work on the Beatles study, but it wasn't a whole lot in the way of progress.  With that, there was some playing involved, but again, it wasn't enough.  I'm really hoping that the weekend is going to offer more opportunities in that regard.

Day Ninety Three (Year Eight)

Today was okay.  I found a bit of time to focus on the Beatles study, but as per usual lately, it wasn't enough time to feel like things were moving truly forward.  That's part of the reason I'm looking forward to tomorrow.  I'm off, and I'm really hoping that I'll get a good chunk of time to hide out in the studio and make some progress on things. I'm also hoping to fit in a good bit of listening, but I need to be more focused on the playing/writing/studying side of things. 

Day Ninety Two (Year Eight)

Today was a good day. Mostly, it was a good day because, after getting a bit of the Beatles study in order last week, today was the day that I was able to get in some good work on the thing. It feels like it's at least a little bit off the ground now, which is a really good thing. In the process, I was able to get in some good time with the acoustic in my hands as well, which is always a good time.

Day Ninety One (Year Eight)

Today was too quiet.  I had been hoping to have some time in the studio this morning, and that didn't materialize the way I had wanted.  I fit in a bit of listening, but that was really it. What I'd really love is to get in some time in the morning before I have to head to work.  If nothing else, maybe I can have more time to sit and absorb some new music, but I'd like to practice and write (if possible).

Day Ninety (Year Eight)

We had another busy day that didn't leave a whole lot of time for studio things, but even with that I was still able to get at least a few minutes down in the studio. I spent that time working on cleaning up the mess that the studio had become, which seems odd when you consider that I don't feel like I've had enough time down there to make things as much of a disaster as they felt when I got down there.  Either way, things are looking good down there now. Tomorrow looks busy, too, but I'm hoping to get at least something done studio-wise.

Day Eighty Nine (Year Eight)

Today was a quiet one again, but I was able to sneak in a few minutes of listening here and there.  Tomorrow I really need to get down into the studio for an extended period of time, because we were gone today for a lot of the day, so there wasn't as much of an opportunity. I'd like to do some more listening tomorrow, get in some practicing, and hopefully work on songs for the EP.  We'll see what happens, but I'm feeling pretty good about what the day is going to hold.

Day Eighty Eight (Year Eight)

Today was a quiet day.  Work took a lot out of me, and I went in tired, so that didn't help. My CDs came today, so I'll get a chance to sit and do some listening this weekend.  I'm looking forward to both the St. Vincent and the Deer Tick. What I really need to do over the weekend is find a way to sit down and work on both songs and practicing.  Things have gotten away from me a bit the last week or two, and I need to get things back on track.

Day Eighty Seven (Year Eight)

I got to a few things today, but not as much as I had intended to.  It was kind of a blur, really, and I'm honestly not sure how the day went so quickly.  Oh well, the weekend will be better. The other thing that I keep forgetting to add in here is that I've got the new Deer Tick records, and the new St. Vincent album on the way.  Those are supposed to arrive tomorrow, so that should set up some good listening for the weekend.

Day Eighty Six (Year Eight)

Today was a better day. I didn't get a whole lot more time in the studio today than I did yesterday, but for some reason I am feeling better about where I sit tonight than I felt yesterday. It probably has something to do with the fact that I have a better sense of what I am hoping to get done tomorrow. Today really was a day of setting things up that I can get done tomorrow.

Day Eighty Five (Year Eight)

Today was another one where there just wasn't the time I had been hoping for. I spent a bit of time working with the Beatles study, but I wasn't able to get in some good work on the songs for the EP project or do much in the way of practicing. Tomorrow is going to be a better day.

Day Eighty Four (Year Eight)

Today was a quiet one. I was able to get everything from yesterday moved down into the studio, and then after that I spent a bit of time with the Beatles study. I had higher hopes than that for the day, but will have to be happy with what I was able to get done.

Day Eighty One (Year Eight)

Today was a good day, but a bit of a quiet one. Most of what got done was a follow-up to the stuff I was working on the last few days, Beatles set up, essentially. I am still feeling like I am making good progress, but I would like to have a really great day tomorrow to keep on track.

Day Eighty (Year Eight)

I was able to get in some good work on the Beatles study today, figuring out a little bit more of how things are going to go, while also getting a bit of a start on the project itself. I had high hopes for getting back to it tonight, but that didn't materialize, so tomorrow is going to have to be the day to pick up the pace on that. Today was a good day, though.

Day Seventy Nine (Year Eight)

Sometimes the days you are expecting to get a certain set of things done are the days that throw you for a loop in the best sort of way. When I left for work today, I wasn't focused on the music side of things at all. I had stories in my head, already thinking about NaNoWriMo in November. While that's where things started, I soon found myself driving down the road, pondering the Beatles and Zeppelin studies that I have been threatening to get going on all Year. Long story short, I came to some good conclusions about the fab four side of things, and am hoping to get in some good work on the second step in getting that up and running tomorrow on my day off.

Day Seventy Seven (Year Eight)

I was finally able to get in a bit of good studio time tonight. It wasn't as much as I wanted  (or needed), but it was better than nothing. I would like to get in some listening tomorrow, as well as some practicing and some good work on the songs for the EP.

Day Seventy Six (Year Eight)

Today was a quiet one again. The whole weekend has been that way. On some level, that isn't a bad thing, but it means that I have to get some work done tomorrow. The Tom Petty box set that I had ordered after his passing came in the mail today, so that was a good thing. Aside from that, the day was a calm one.

Day Seventy Five (Year Eight)

So, I was all set to get down to the studio tonight and get to work on the songs for the EP project as well as some practicing, when we lost power in town. I am just glad that I wasn't on my way down the stairs when it happened. Guess all of the fun stuff is going to be put off until tomorrow morning.

Day Seventy Three (Year Eight)

My brother was here today. We talked about a lot of music stuff, and just got to hang out for a while. I needed that way more than I needed some of the other stuff we could have gotten to. I spent a bit of time picking his brain about my Beatles and Zeppelin studies, and am feeling better about where those might be heading. All told, today was a most excellent day.

Day Seventy Two (Year Eight)

Today was another day where I ended up not having a chance to get a whole lot of work done in the studio, but I was able to get in some good brain work done on the EP project. What I'm really looking forward to is having my brother here for a day, tomorrow. I am hoping to pick his brain and get some help (maybe) on the EP.

Day Seventy One (Year Eight)

Today was a rough day.  Today we lost a legend, both as a musician and a songwriter.  Tom Petty is gone, at age 66. This one hurts.  For the last 40 years, Tom and his band, The Heartbreakers, have been at the forefront of American rock and roll.  Both his voice and their sound were uniquely "them." He's a writer that has stood brilliantly, both on his own and with others, he's a writer whose work has continually inspired me and brought me great joy, and the fact that his voice has been cut short fills me with sadness. Needless to say, there will be an awful lot of Heartbreakers (and solo) music cranked up in my house for the foreseeable future. "You belong among the wildflowers, you belong in a boat out at sea.  Sail away, kill off the hours.  You belong somewhere you feel free."                             ...

Day Seventy (Year Eight)

Today was a whole lot quieter than I had been hoping.  I didn't get much in the way of studio time at all, and as I reach the end of my day, it has me feeling frustrated and unprepared for the week ahead. Sometime in the morning, I need to spend some time in the basement, doing some practicing and working on songs. I had really hoped to get to more of "Classical Gas" today, but it looks like that is going to have to wait until at least tomorrow as well. Overall, I had a good weekend, but it wasn't nearly as musically productive as I hoped it would be.