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Showing posts from September, 2017

Day Sixty Nine (Year Eight)

I started taking a look at "Classical Gas" today, because there is a transcription of it in the latest issue of Acoustic Guitar .  It has been a long time since I've stopped to take a look at that particular piece of music, and it's going to be a continuing effort to finally nail that down. Aside from that, today was a bit of a quiet day.  Hopefully tomorrow will be more steady and consistent.

Day Sixty Eight (Year Eight)

Today was a day filled with running, which didn't leave me a lot of time in the studio, but it was able to get me the newest issue of Acoustic Guitar, which has a transcription of Mason Williams' "Classical Gas," so I know how the rest of the weekend will be spent.

Day Sixty Six (Year Eight)

Today was a good day. I spent a bit of time messaging back and forth with M. about what we were going to play tonight. We settled on "Hey Jude" at the last minute, and considering that we hadn't rehearsed it since May, I think that we did pretty well. In the end, I spent some time puttering in the studio, but didn't make appreciable progress on anything while I was down there. Not a bad day, but I am still feeling like I could have gotten more done.

Day Sixty Five (Year Eight)

I got home from work on the late side tonight, but had enough energy to get everything moved back into the studio. I am going to be getting to work early in the morning, in part to get a whole lot of work done on the EP project,and in part because of the likelihood that I will be doing some playing tomorrow night for church. I am hoping to have a really great day of work and build a bit of momentum heading into the weekend.

Day Sixty Four (Year Eight)

Today was a quiet one. Crazy busy at work, which left me the time and energy to get everything in place for the move back into the studio, but not quite the time to get it done. That might make tomorrow morning a busy one, with everything else that I need to get done, but I know I can get it done.

Day Sixty Three (Year Eight)

Today had some, but not enough, of the settling back in at home things associated with it. I didn't get myself fully moved back into the studio, that will have to happen tomorrow, but I was able to take a few minutes and sort through my ideas and thoughts concerning the EP that cropped up during our mini trip to Wisconsin. I'm feeling good, if slightly under-prepared as I head into the week.  I didn't have a chance today to sit down and block out what I'm hoping to get done.  Hopefully I can get to that in the morning before work.

Day Sixty (Year Eight)

Today was a good day. I spent a good bit of time tonight with a guitar in my hands, trying to get some work done on the EP project. I am still missing a song that will tie the whole project together, but I am definitely getting closer. All told, today was a pretty good day.

Day Fifty Nine (Year Eight)

Today was supposed to be a great day, full of listening and practicing and recording.  Essentially, it was supposed to be a day full of progress.  Instead, not much went the way that I had expected it to, and today ended up being more about figuring out what I'd like to bring along for my day in the eastern part of the state and my day up in Wisconsin. Not what I expected at all, and frustrating for that reason, but not a horrible day.

Day Fifty Eight (Year Eight)

So, today got away from me very quickly. After getting home late from work tonight and talking through the day with the Mrs., I looked at the clock and discovered how late it was. Everything I was hoping to get to tonight will be of a better quality if I work on it tomorrow. Just a long day, that's all.

Day Fifty Five (Year Eight)

Picked up Concrete and Gold , the new Foo Fighters record today.  I'm especially anxious to sit down and take a spin through this one, as we are seeing them live in November. Had a bit of a chance to chat with my brother tonight, too.  Good conversation, some of it musical.  He asked how the record was going, and I answered honestly, telling him that I felt like things were going well, in spite of the relative lack of progress in the last few days. I really hope that tomorrow will offer a better chance to get some work in.

Day Fifty Four (Year Eight)

Today was a lost cause. We had to make the heartbreaking decision to put down our beloved orange cat. The emotional toll it has taken on my wife and I is immense. Perhaps things will inch back in the direction of normal tomorrow. Either way, I am going to try and find a bit of studio time.

Day Fifty Two (Year Eight)

Today was a good day that got in gear a few different times, but never really seemed to catch. I spent a bit of time in the studio getting things cleaned up a bit, and did some listening while I did so, but none of the music was new. I even got the new music brought downstairs, and it just wasn't in the cards. I played for a few minutes when I was done getting re-organized, but didn't get around to working on the EP project. Too many stops and starts today.

Day Fifty One (Year Eight)

New Tori and National records showed up today... just in time for me to have tomorrow off and be free to sit in the studio and do some listening. All I had time for today was a lot of mental work where the EP was concerned.  No time to actually get downstairs and get my hands dirty.  I'm really hoping to do some recording tomorrow, though.  I'm not thinking I'll get final takes out of it or anything, but it would be nice to get a little bit closer to the finished product.

Day Forty Nine (Year Eight)

I didn't get as much time as I had hoped to today, but I was still able to sit down for a few minutes and work on the chord progressions for the EP project.  I pushed forward just enough to feel like I got somewhere today, which really wasn't enough for me, but I'll take it. The thing I wanted to get to that I didn't was laying down a better recording of the track I cut yesterday.  That will probably have to wait for Wednesday at this point, as I'm not sure how much recording time I'll have tomorrow and Tuesday. Still a good day, just not quite what I was hoping for.

Day Forty Eight (Year Eight)

I didn't get as much time in the studio today as I was hoping for, but I still had a chance to sit down and record a very loose idea of a melody line that outlines one of the chord progressions for the EP project. It's a start. Not a great one, but a start. Tomorrow I need to spend time with the progression that the track is based on, ironing out the rest of it, and get a better recording laid down.

Day Forty Seven (Year Eight)

Today was a good day around the house, but a bit of a slow day on the music side of things.  I'm really hoping that tomorrow offers me a bit more time in the studio, and thus a bit more in the way of progress. One of the cool things I did do today was sit down and order a couple of the new releases that are just out.  Arriving Tuesday will be: Native Invader - Tori Amos Sleep Well Beast - The National Good new music means I really need to get my CD player in the car fixed, as most of my listening time during the school year tends to happen while driving. Still feeling good, but I'll feel a whole lot better with a good day of progress tomorrow.

Day Forty Six (Year Eight)

Today was a combination of a long day of work and a relatively small window of time in the studio. Things from the last few days are in a good place, and heading into the weekend I feel like I can get a whole lot of work done on the EP project. In short, today may have been quiet, but the weekend is going to be loud.

Day Forty Five (Year Eight)

Another quiet one today, unfortunately. I did manage to follow up on a little bit of what had gotten done yesterday, and that was good.  If nothing else, it pushed me a little bit farther down the road to where I want to be by the end of the year. The rest of my day?  It was a series of false starts.  I know full well that I should have made more progress today, and I'm going to carry that feeling with me into the weekend as a way to motivate myself to keep moving forward.

Day Forty Four (Year Eight)

Today was a quiet one where the music was concerned. I was able to get a few things sorted out before I went to work this morning, but they are things that will help me out tomorrow during the day, when I will have more time. Today was a good day, in spite of the relative lack of time in the studio.

Day Forty Three (Year Eight)

Today was a great day.  It was, really, the day I've been hoping for all summer long. I got in enough time in the studio to make really good progress on the music for the EP project.  Things aren't done yet by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm a whole lot closer than I was at the start of the day.  All of the little things I've been tinkering with and hoping for in the last few weeks/months are finally starting to drop into place. I'm feeling really good as I head back into work tomorrow for my first day of the semester.  Music-wise, things are definitely looking up right now.  The goal: finished EP by the end of the year.

Day Forty Two (Year Eight)

I got a new issue of Acoustic Guitar in the mail the other day, and finally had a chance to sit down and start paging through it.  Some good things that will help out my playing. I didn't spend enough time with the EP today, but with tomorrow being my last day off before heading back to work for the start of the semester, I'm planning on spending a good portion of the day tomorrow down in the studio. I'm still feeling good, but I will be feeling a whole lot better if I can get a lot of good work in tomorrow.

Day Forty One (Year Eight)

The best thing about today was that we got ourselves a bass drum for $6.  It had been the property of the school here in town, up until the school merged with another town and closed.  From there it went to a friend of ours, who then sold it to us at a garage sale. Also, there was a bit of time to sit and work on the EP, although I am definitely hoping that tomorrow will offer more time than today did.  Still progress.  Still good.  More tomorrow.

Day Forty (Year Eight)

Today was a day where I was gone for a lot of it, which didn't leave me a lot of time in the studio. I pushed forward in the time that I had, though, and am hoping to get a whole lot of work done on things tomorrow. I also picked up the latest issue of Guitar Techniques, and the new record by The War On Drugs. Looking forward to having a chance to get to those things tomorrow, too.