First things first... finally got the ipod charged up and loaded with all of the new music I've imported in the last week. Feels good to have that done, it's been on my mind for the last few days. Got down to business on the resource bookshelf today. Initially, I tried to find a box (we're moving in a month and a half, there are a lot of them in the house right now) that would hold my file folders that I picked up yesterday. Was unsuccessful in that regard. Everything was either too shallow or not quite wide enough. What I'll probably end up doing is just buying a file cabinet once we get to Dubuque. Saw some cheap-ish ones (price-wise) when we were out yesterday. Besides, why buy it here and then have to turn around and move it? Still, I managed to sort through a lot of the magazines that were on the shelf, and some obvious categories (i.e. stuff on lead guitar, rhythm guitar, etc.) started to come forward. Moved some of those thi...